#LBF Sponsor Profile - Everards

As a local independent family business, Everards is delighted to be involved with the Leicester Business Festival. Everards believes that LBF is a fantastic event that brings so many local businesses and organisations together to share knowledge and best practice. The whole Everards team always looks forward to meeting other local independent business owners and sharing their latest innovations.
Everards are proud to be from Leicestershire: it’s where their story begins and where they have recently invested in our new home including our state-of-the-art brewery, offices and beer hall at Everards Meadows.
Everards works with many amazing independent business owners in the hospitality industry, who run pubs, pizzerias, cafes and more – a few of which will be joining them at their #LBF2021 event on the Future of Independent Businesses to share their experiences.
LBF allows Everards to meet like-minded independent business owners in Leicestershire. It’s a great platform for them to be able to share the experiences and best practice that they have gained over the last 170 years to hopefully help others.