Business support services outshines all sectors in Leicester Business Festival

Business Support, Communications and Marketing events form the largest part of the 2018 Leicester Business Festival
Running from 29 October to 9 November, the Business Festival is the region’s largest business event, which last year engaged with over 1,000 different businesses and saw more than 10,000 attendees go to 154 events.
This year the Business Festival is divided into eleven key sectors with Business Support, Communications and Marketing playing a major role over the fortnight, encompassing a total of 68 events – more than any other sector.
These range through the spectrum of business support, communications and marketing services which are all essential to local businesses of all sizes to help business retention and ultimately maintain a resilient economy.
Events encompass everything from web development and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation); Google analytics; building marketing, branding and business support strategies; managing risk; procurement tips; equality and diversity; ethical trading, exporting; help to start or grow a business and so much more!
Amongst the featured events in the sector are the City Mayor’s vision for the future development of the city economy (on 1 November); a huge business support ‘bonanza’ at Leicester Racecourse staged by the LLEP Business Gateway on 6 November; The FSB’s (Federation of Small Business) round table, ‘Think Self-employed’with Nicky Morgan MP on 2 November; and the sector headline event, “A Business Toolkit - Getting Creative with Your Approach to Growth”, which encompasses a whole morning of presentations and workshops focussing on communication, brand and business support – all under one roof. The event takes place at Morningside Arena on 2 November.
LBF sector lead, Jenny Cross, managing director of Cross Productions said, “The events in this sector are popular with all business of all shapes and sizes, because the topics have a broad appeal to companies small or large and in any sector.
“Marketing and communications have become increasingly acknowledged as a vital component of business growth. With two weeks of free business support, the LBF provides a fantastic platform for companies looking for communications and marketing strategies to help to take their business to the next level.”
The majority of events are completely free to attend, but must be booked in advance. Tickets are available through the LBF website or via the new LBF app – free to download from Google Play or the Apple store.
Along with headline partners, Leicester Castle Business School, the 2018 Festival has the support of well-known business organisations including East Midlands Chamber; LLEP Business Gateway; East Midlands Airport; Brewin Dolphin; University of Leicester School of Business; Highcross and the FSB.
Other supporters include Everards Brewery; De Montfort University; Pattersons Commercial Law; Growth Partners PLC and the Institute of Directors, as well as official app partner Infonote, AV media partner, The Presentation Group and media partners, Cross Productions and Capital Radio.
For more information, visit, contact or call 0116 464 5995.