Get involved
You can get involved in a number of different ways. Become a partner or sponsor, host an event, be a venue partner or simply come along to the festival itself.
The LBF relies on sponsorship income to make it happen. Packages are all designed to meet the objectives of the sponsoring organisation to ensure that they achieve maximum value for money from being involved.
For a discussion about sponsoring the LBF, please contact
Running an event
Hosting an event could have many benefits such as connecting with new people, making new leads and growing your supply chain. Hosting an event could quite easily enable you to reach a market you may well not have even considered.
In 2019, the LBF reached an estimated 11.5M people and 1285 businesses were engaged.
Attendees are enjoying the events and the Business Festival is having an impact! In 2019, 87% rated the events they attended as good to excellent and 97% said felt the LBF had a positive impact on them or their business. The business festival is also attracting new people with 48% saying they had not been to a business event in the past 6 months.
You decide when and where to run your event and what your subject might be about. You can hold it at your own venue or choose one of the pre-arranged venues offering space for free or at a heavily discounted rate. Click here to find out more >
There is some useful advice about hosting an event on our downloads page
Application process and criteria
We focus on quality over quantity so assess each application on its own merits. Whether you want to talk about innovation, financial services, education or sporting achievement, consider what your expertise can bring to other businesses and industries.
LBF has a commitment to representing Leicester and Leicestershire’s business community as a whole. 67% of businesses within the region are SMEs and our programme of events will be designed to reflect that. We will also aim to ensure that each key sector is properly represented.
We would therefore encourage you to apply, even if you suspect that your business is too small to be considered as a host.If you would like to host an event, you can apply via our online portal.
Applications are now closed
Being a Venue partner
Venue partners provide either free or discounted space to event organisers in which to hold their events during the festival fortnight. Venue partners can maximise their exposure to the business community by becoming an official venue partner.
See the venues tab for more information.
Attending an event
Even if you just want to come along and attend an event, you will benefit from networking with high level influencers and businesses from across Leicester and Leicestershire and beyond.
View and download the
LBF Event Criteria